Cultural Initiatives in North Africa
and the Middle East
Cultural Initiatives in North Africa
and the Middle East
Yesmine BEN KHELIL (Tunis, 1986).
Lives and works in Tunis, graduated in plastic arts (Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne) in 2012. Yesmine's approach consists mainly in reappropriating or reinterpreting, by various means (drawings, collages, paintings, installations) all kinds of images, objects or texts, with the aim of depicting a world in metamorphosis, and thus, trying to seize in this perpetual movement, the meeting point between a virtual past and a still non-existent future.
Yesmine participates in numerous artistic events in Tunisia and abroad, the most recent of which are: "Everything is pink there at dusk" Maia Muller Gallery, (solo exhibition) 2021, "School of Waters" Mediterranea 19 young artists Biennial 2021, "Salammbô, fureur! Passion ! Elephant! " Musée des beaux-arts de Rouen/ Mucem 2021, Climbing through the tide, B7l9, 2019, Cosmopolis# 1.5 enlarged intelligence, Mao Jihong Arts Foundation/ Centre Pompidou 2018.